Thursday, October 18, 2012

A place for reflection and remembrance


A celebration of the past Amerindian cultures...


  1. quite beautiful spaces... to elevate the study model(s) from pure aesthetics to comparative analysis of social groups' customs associated with mourning or meditation/prayer prior to medical procedure, it would be awesome to see the few/several studies you're working on in a table that positions them with such key info as 1. prospective user group, 2. textual basis for design decisions (religious doctrine, historical accounts, etc.) 3. analysis/critique of (typical) archetype, and/or 4. analysis/critique of exceptional precedent

  2. Thanks Glenn; I couldn't agree with you addition, the table would serve as a nice recap of the collection (of the previous posts) as well as possibly unpack unseen discoveries or correlations in the exercise. I have one more concept I want to explore as an independent study prior to constructing a table; but a table will most definitely be completed as a finale to this initial study process!
