Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Concept Statement/Declaración de Concepto

With the rise of cosmetic procedures, we will reconstruct the traditional medical center to be one that nurtures the needs of these specific patients while providing a hotel that has unique and one of a kind amenities. Stitching together the cultural landscape of Aruba, while injecting a vertical village archetype, will enhance the environment by promoting a calm psyche, while catering towards the locals with respect to the natives. Focuses of our research will be implementing a cohesive cultural graft in order to fill the void, rehabilitating the psyche through augmentation of space, and consultation of the site to better dissect an archetype appropriate for a programmatic environment.

Con el aumento de procedimientos cosméticos, vamos a reconstruir el tradicional centro médico que hay una que alimenta las necesidades de estos pacientes concretos al mismo tiempo que ofrece un hotel que tiene singular y único en su especie comodidades. Cosiendo el paisaje cultural de Aruba, mientras inyectando un pueblo vertical arquetipo, a mejorar el medio ambiente gracias a la promoción de una calma psique, al tiempo que atiende a la gente con respecto a los nativos. Se centra en nuestra investigación pondrá en práctica un injerto cultural coherente con el fin de llenar el vacío, la rehabilitación de la psique mediante el aumento de espacio, y consulta del sitio a disecar un arquetipo mejor adecuado para un contexto de los programas.

1 comment:

  1. The development of a language is arguably the most important aspect of the design process. It enables two parties to more intimately understand deeper levels of meaning... nuances of conceptual creation. (The health care professionals/patients can engage in meaningful dialogue with the architect/designer.)

    Additionally, the patience with language (in both written and physical form) allows (I hope) for increased dialogue between the various participants of the "Las Americas Virtual Design Studio" (LAVDS).
