Monday, October 8, 2012

Towards A Podular Architecture


Unpredictable and rapidly changing variables in medical technology, patient requirements, tourism levels, and resort experience are the antithesis of a fixed, stationary architecture.  This necessitates an evolutionary, podular approach.  The industrial functionality of coastal gantry cranes and shipping containers are appropriated to medical tourism design.

1 comment:

  1. The levels of appropriation could be expanded here, so that we (me/other LAVDS participants, etc.) can begin to anticipate the architectural issues you'll initially seek to address. Ex. The "reconfigurability" of the pods based on medical procedure scheduling/programming AND the added benefit of constantly creating unique conditions/configuration/experiences (a hallmark of tourism). The potential for environmental benefit based on shifting architectonics might also be identified as an opportunity the team will dive into...
    ...hope this helps.
